Carroll Schools will move to Virtual eLearning due to COVID beginning Tuesday, January 11, 2022 through Friday, January 14, 2022. Please see attached Superintendent's message for further details.
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Friendly reminder: All CCSC students return to school from Christmas Break on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022. Happy New Year!
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Quarantine Policy updated 12/14/2021... for details.
about 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
Our December winner is second grade teacher, Mrs Spitznagle. She was nominated by third grader, Fallan Cahill. She says, “I would like to nominate Mrs Spitznagle for Cougar of the Month because she is super sweet. She was my second grade teacher and I love how funny she is. She is kind and respectful and sweet.”
about 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
December Winner
ELearning Day due to continued heavy fog - Friday, December 10th
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
2 Hour Delay due to fog - Friday, December 10th
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Mrs. Reinke oversees the voting table for the Culinary Class Gingerbread House Competition!
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Our Carroll Bands rocked the auditorium last night and got us all in the mood for a little Christmas!
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Carroll Choirs in concert last night!
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
The Indiana Association of School Principals recently honored Mr. Leo Leffert as District Assistant Principal of the Year. Carroll is very proud of you Mr. Leffert!
about 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Our November Cougar of the month winner is one of our cafeteria workers, Jesse Cook. She was nominated by sixth grader Riley Kelly. This is what she had to say. “ I would like to nominate Jesse for cougar of the month because she has such a big smile on her face when I see her in the morning. She laughs and one time I scared her and we laughed together. She is so smart and strong and we are best friends. I’ve known her since she worked at the gas station and she has always been so cheerful. She makes me smile and she is full of surprises. If you see her, she will smile and make you laugh. I love the way I can always have a good day when I’m around her. She is awesome!“
about 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
Cougar of the Month
TruGreen will be on campus Monday 11-15-21 to do a vegetation spray on campus.
over 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
Let’s get fired up for Football Regionals! Come and cheer on our Cougar Football team as they face North Judson tonight. Good Luck Cougars!
over 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Carroll Consolidated School Corporation is thankful for the service and sacrifice of all our veterans.
over 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
2 Hour Delay due to fog today, Wednesday, November 10th
over 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
Leilani Horn nominated Mrs. Meek, fifth grade teacher, as our Cougar of the month, October winner. She says, “I would like to nominate Mrs. Meek for Cougar of the Month because she is a nice teacher and a teacher that cares. She is a kind person who will be there for us and the school. A fun fact is she likes Harry Potter and so do I.”
over 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
October Winner
TRUGREEN will be here on Monday the 18th working on most areas of the campus.
over 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
Reminder to Seniors and parents: FAFSA Completion Night help session is tonight, 10/14,at 6:00pm in the high school media center. Enter at Door 1 or door 2. Don't forget your Chromebook as well as the list of items emailed. Please don't miss this opportunity to consult with a FAFSA expert.
over 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation
Hello, this is a friendly reminder that Carroll Consolidated School Corporation will have a Professional Development Day and scheduled Parent Teach Conferences tomorrow, Tuesday October twelfth. Students will NOT report to school and there is No eLearning day scheduled for students. Again, teachers will report to school tomorrow, but there is no school for students. We will resume with a normal schedule on Wednesday. Thank you and have a great day!
over 3 years ago, Keith Thackery
TRUGREEN will be here on the 18th to do the final treatment on the sports fields and rest of the campus.
over 3 years ago, Carroll Consolidated School Corporation